Julien Lugier in training with the Guinean national team

Former strength and conditioning coach for Guinea, Julien Lugier, introduces four drills aimed at enhancing your players' cognitive skills.

Reaction speed is defined as a player's ability to perceive a visual, auditory, or tactile stimulus and respond appropriately. Whether it's an unpredictable pass, the ball bouncing after a shot, or sudden pressure from an opponent… In today’s faster-paced soccer, this type of reactivity is essential for every position: from the goalkeeper needing to block a close-range shot, to the defender intercepting a pass during an offensive transition, and even to the striker reacting to a deflected cross in record time. Excellent reaction speed and decision-making can be decisive in a game. Here are four drills to help you gain precious seconds…

Drill 1: The Color Square

Objective: Reaction to colors

Goal: React to the color, called out by the player outside the box, as quickly as possible and run around the cone without the ball.


  1. React to the color, then play a ground pass to the center of the square.
  2. React to the color and pass to the cone of the indicated color.
  3. Receive the ball and dribble to the cone of the indicated color.

Drill 2: Reaction with Mini Goal

Objective: Score as quickly as possible

Goal: Receive the ball and orient yourself quickly to score in the goal of the indicated color.


  1. Limit the number of touches to score in the goal of the indicated color.
  2. Switch the colors to another goal.
  3. Change the positions of the goals.

Drill 3: Reaction with Resistance Band

Objective: React as quickly as possible

Goal: Sprint to the announced color while restrained by a resistance band.


  1. Perform the same drill without the resistance band.
  2. Receive a ball when arriving at the indicated color.
  3. Sprint to the indicated color while dribbling.

Drill 4: Speed with Reaction

Objective: Be the first to reach the indicated gate

Goal: Upon hearing the color, players must sprint to the indicated gate.


  1. Announce the color verbally.
  2. Show the color with a pinnie or cone.
  3. Sprint with the ball.

"Make your training sessions more dynamic with Fitlight Training!"

This wireless LED system allows you to work on reflexes randomly and train reaction time. The app lets you customize drills and track player performance. Expect a minimum cost of 600€ for this equipment.

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Physical training
Athletic training