Our agency expertise
A few years after launching our VESTIAIRES review, expert communications agency VESTIAIRES-NANOCOM was created. Its purpose: advise and assist institutions, organisations and national associations in modernising and/or creating their (internal / external) communication platforms and other training educational handbooks. With clients across several continents, our agency has become a reference service provider on the international stage.

In France
> French Football Federation (FFF): modernising all educational handbooks of the National Technical Direction, in several languages, and designing practical worksheets.

> FFF’s Research Centre: creating all communication platforms of the French Football Federation Research Centre.

> Football Regional Leagues: graphic design and joint editorial production of several journals issued by Football Regional Leagues, including Stadium (Paris Ile-de-France), Bretagne Foot (Brittany) and Tribunes (Auvergne Rhône-Alpes).

> Football Coaches Union (UNECATEF): graphic design and production (texts and models) of practical handbooks to be used by UNECATEF members.

In Quebec
> Soccer Quebec: graphic design and production (texts and layout) of 15 tip sheets for U9 to U12 categories on behalf of Soccer Quebec technical department.

In Belgium
> French-speaking Football Clubs Association (ACFF): graphic design and joint editorial production of Zone Technique, the official journal of ACFF, the French-speaking branch of the Royal Belgian Football Association.

In the United States
> Major League Soccer (MLS): graphic design and production (texts and layout) of 6 animated teaching handbooks on behalf of the MLS technical department.