After winning the French championship title with FC Nantes, Raynald Denoueix was runner-up of Spain with Real Sociedad in 2003 / Icon Sport

Coach of Real Sociedad (2002-2004) and FC Nantes (1997-2001), Raynald Denoueix was also director of the French club's training center from 1982 to 1997. The 2001 French champion drew from his experience a conviction of the role of the coach: "Our job is to act as a link between the players. I have in mind the image of the Atomium in Brussels. The coach is this link between the atoms to give them points of reference, give them the possibilities to understand each other better and force them to play for each other." For this, when he was involved in the club's training, the technician always focused on the intelligence of his players: "My recruitment criterion was: will he be able to understand what is asked of him? And my role was to push them to think constantly through themes, games, exercises so that they are ready the day Coco Suaudeau calls them up as pros".