These terms and conditions govern the sale of subscriptions to the website, which is edited by the company RC média. 
Purchasing a subscription, in accordance with the terms and conditions set out hereinafter, implies full and unequivocal compliance from the buyer to these terms and conditions of sale, to the exclusion of all others.


For any information or complaint, our customer service can be contacted:

  • By phone: 06 07 86 66 82
  • By email: 
  • By post: 703 avenue Charles de Gaulle – Résidence La Renardière – 38290 LA VERPILLIERE


 In order to purchase a subscription to the website, 5 methods of payment are available:

  • By debit card, via a secured payment server (debit card, Visa, MasterCard),
  • By direct debit (SDD Mandate),
  • By cheque, (issued through a bank established in mainland France, made out to RC média and sent to RC média, 703 avenue Charles de Gaulle – Résidence La Renardière – 38290 LA VERPILLIERE,
  • By bank transfer,
  • By a secured debit card through the STRIPE option (standing order renewable by yearly tacit agreement).


Applicable fees are those displayed on the website the day of the purchase. They are shown in Dollars and include all taxes, and all contributions towards processing and shipping costs.
RC média reserves the right to amend these fees at any time. All orders are payable in Dollars.


Validation of the order by the customer implies full acceptance of these terms and conditions. 
To validate their order, customers must click on the “Validate” button when they complete their order. In return, a confirmation of receipt will be sent to them at the address indicated in the order form, showing the exact amount invoiced as well as the item shipping terms. This confirmation of receipt implies the acceptance of the order and validates the transaction.
Customers acknowledge that the data saved on the website constitutes proof of transaction (subscription, date, order), and that the data saved by the payment system described below constitutes proof of the financial transaction.
RC média reserves the right to suspend and/or decline any order from a customer with whom it is in dispute, for any reason, and the customer shall have no right to claim compensation of any kind.
Acceptance of cookies is required for any purchase or subscription made on the website. 


Online payment by debit card is guaranteed by a Crédit Mutuel secured solution, which integrates an SSL-type (Secure Socket Layer) encryption method.
Cancellation shall become effective 10 days after the email or letter is received by RC média.


Customers have seven days from the day the order has been placed to cancel it and get a refund. Refunds are made within thirty days after the request has been received. RC média will decide whether a refund is made by bank transfer or by a cheque made out to the customer who has placed the order and sent out to the indicated billing address.
After this seven-day period, no refund can be claimed by a customer from RC média for any purchased subscription or any item purchased on the website online store (unless an internal mistake has been made).


A subscription to the website can be made by monthly automatic direct debit (SDD Mandate). This is a tacitly renewable subscription.
Customers can terminate their subscription, and thus their direct debit, at any moment (subject to the absence of a payment dispute), by simply sending an email to or a letter to RC média, 703 avenue Charles de Gaulle – Résidence La Renardière – 38290 LA VERPILLIERE (France).
The RC média company can terminate a subscription itself at any moment.
The RC média company reserves the right to increase the debit amount of the monthly payment at the start of any calendar year. 


Any payment that is not accepted by the bank shall be subject to an adjustment transaction of 10 Euros from the customer, which is the exact amount charged by the bank to RC média for any payment-related incident. After several payment-related incidents, RC média reserves the right to terminate the subscription and, as a consequence, the automatic direct debit, as well as the website subscription.


Any information contained on the website, any brand displayed on the website, any software and/or technology provided in relation to the website and, more generally, all or any part of the website itself is reserved under copyright and/or intellectual property throughout the universe. These terms and conditions shall not lead to the transfer of any of those intellectual property rights for the benefit of any customer. As a consequence, customers shall not be authorised to reproduce and/or use any brand and logo contained on the website. Customers shall not be authorised to copy, modify, translate, reproduce, transmit, sell, publish, otherwise exploit, and distribute in electronic or any other format all or any part of the information (even incomplete information) contained on the website.
Finally, they shall not be authorised to share within their company or with any third party a review and/or press overview containing all or any part of the information featured on the website.
Any breach of these provisions will render the offender, and any other person responsible, liable to the criminal and civil penalties provided for in law.


RC média is committed to treating all personal customer information contained in the subscription form as confidential, and it shall only be used for the purposes of transaction, customer relationship, as well as of market research for items and services sold by RC Média or by RC média client or partner companies.
Customers acknowledge that this information will be subject to automated processing.
In accordance with the French Data protection act of January 6, 1978, customers are entitled to access, amend and oppose their personal data.
Customers shall be authorised to refuse to receive advertising communication from RC média and/or RC média third-party client or partner companies, either upon purchasing their subscription or after subscribing, by amending their online personal information from their subscriber page.
Since June 2018, RC média has been implementing a compliance process on their website and making available its personal data processing policy, which complies with your rights (see below).


This contract is governed by French law. The language of this contract shall be French. In case of dispute, the French courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.


RC média reserves the right to adapt or amend these terms and conditions of sale at any moment. If applicable, the amended terms and conditions of sale shall be communicated to customers by online amendment and effective immediately.

RC média informs their customers that they can seek the assistance of a Consumer Ombudsman by clicking on the following link: